Famous Quotes of Poet William Stevenson

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of William Stevenson.Our large collection of famous William Stevenson Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of William Stevenson on poetandpoem.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

I love no roast but a nut-brown toast, and a crab laid in the fire;
A little bread shall do me stead! much bread I do not desire;

(William Stevenson (1530?-1575), British scholar, and John Still (1530?-1575), British scholar. Gammer Gurton's Needle: Drinking Song (attributed to Stevenson and to Still) (l. 13-14). . . Norton Anthology of English Literature, The, Vols. I-II. M. H. Abrams, general ed. (5th ed., 1986) W. W. Norton & Company.)
Back and side go bare, go bare,
Both foot and hand go cold;
But belly, God send thee good ale enough;
Whether it be new or old!

(William Stevenson (1530?-1575), British scholar. Gammer Gurton's Needle: Drinking Song (attributed to Stevenson and to Still) (l. 17-20). . . Norton Anthology of English Literature, The, Vols. I-II. M. H. Abrams, general ed. (5th ed., 1986) W. W. Norton & Company.)
I am so wrapped, and throughly lapped of jolly good ale and old!

(William Stevenson (1530?-1575), British scholar. Gammer Gurton's Needle: Drinking Song (attributed to Stevenson and to Still) (l. 16). . . Norton Anthology of English Literature, The, Vols. I-II. M. H. Abrams, general ed. (5th ed., 1986) W. W. Norton & Company.)