Famous Quotes of Poet Edmund Blunden

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of Edmund Blunden.Our large collection of famous Edmund Blunden Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of Edmund Blunden on poetandpoem.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

Like the bee that now is blown,
Honey-heavy on my hand,
From his toppling tansy-throne
In the green tempestuous land?

(Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), British poet, critic. Forefathers (l. 31-34). . . Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 1250-1918. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. (New ed., rev. and enl., 1939) Oxford University Press.)
On the green they watched their sons
Playing till too dark to see,
As their fathers watched them once,
As my father once watched me;

(Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), British poet, critic. Forefathers (l. 19-22). . . Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 1250-1918. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. (New ed., rev. and enl., 1939) Oxford University Press.)
I'm in clover now, nor know
Who made honey long ago.

(Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), British poet, critic. Forefathers (l. 35-36). . . Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 1250-1918. Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. (New ed., rev. and enl., 1939) Oxford University Press.)
But not the tallest there, 'tis said,
Could fathom to this pond's black bed.

(Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), British poet, critic. The Midnight Skaters (l. 5-6). . . New Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 1250-1950. Helen Gardner, ed. (1972) Oxford University Press.)
I have seen a green country, useful to the race,
Knocked silly with guns and mines, its villages vanished,

(Edmund Blunden (1896-1974), British poet, critic. Report on Experience (l. 5-6). . . New Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 1250-1950. Helen Gardner, ed. (1972) Oxford University Press.)