Alfonso X (El Sabio)

Here you will find the Poem Cantiga No. 60, of poet Alfonso X (El Sabio)

Cantiga No. 60,

Ca Eva nos tolleu 
Parays'e Deus 
Ave nos y meteu; 
porend', amigos meus: 
Entre Av'e Eva? 

For Eva took us away 
from heaven and from God, 
Ave puts us back there. 
That is why, my friends: 
'Twixt Ave and Eva? 

Eva nos foi deitar 
do dem' en sa prijon, 
e Ave en sacar; 
e por esta razon: 
Entre Av'e Eva? 

Eva had us bewitched 
by the devil in his prison; 
and Ave brought us out from there; 
and for that reason: 
'Twixt Ave and Eva? 

Eva nos fez perder 
amor de Deus e ben, 
e pos Ave aver 
no lo fez; e poren: 
Entre Av'e Eva? 

Eva caused us to lose 
the love of God and Righteousness; 
Ave brought it back to us 
again; and for that: 
'Twixt Ave and Eva? 

Eva nos ensserrou 
os çeos sen chave, 
e Maria britou 
as portas per Ave: 
Entre Av'e Eva? 

Eva kept us shut in, 
far from heaven, without the keys, 
and Mary broke open 
the doors with Ave. 
'Twixt Ave and Eva?