Terms & Conditions

Poetandpoem.com is a social website that connects poets, singers and musicians throughout the world and provide services to promote themselves and their work. By accessing or using our web site at poetandpoem.com you signify that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or delete portions of these Terms of Use at any time without further notice. If we perform any modification to this Terms of Use , it will be updated on this page with immediate effect.Your continued use of the Service or the Site after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms of Use. If you do not agree to abide by these or any future Terms of Use, do not use or access (or continue to use or access) the Service or the Site. It is your responsibility to regularly check the Site to determine if there have been changes to these Terms of Use and to review such changes.

This Site is intended solely for users over 18 and users under 18 who have parent consent to use it. Any registration by, use of or access to the Site by anyone under 18 without parent consent, is unauthorized and in violation of these Terms of Use.

In our website we only keep audio and video files or links which are copyrighted to our Artists or hosted by websites having proper license legally. We take no responsibility for them.
All Poems, Quotations, Album names and pictures are copyrighted to their respective owners. No infringement whatsoever is intended. All poems and quotations are restricted for educational and personal use only.
Before uploading ANY material to Poetandpoem.com - you must either have ownership of the copyright or have permission from the copyright owner to use the material for public viewing and performance. If you upload copyright material which is not authorised, you may face the termination of your account and possibly legal action from the copyright owner.
The copyright © notice is a legal requirement in many countries, if you have received permission from the copyright owner to upload material to Poetandpoem.com , we would advise you to inform us the owners name or company name while uploading the same. This proves your commitment to maintaining a legal stature when using copyrighted material.
We wish to work with you to maintain a creative community for Poets and Musicians with minimal negative and maximum positive experience for all our users.
To report a copyright infringement please contact our administration using the contact us form of the website or email to [email protected] and include the member/artist name with the name and description of the material. While reporting the copyright infringement , it is required to provide your contact information and Clear proof of evidence that you own the copyright to said content or evidence that you are a representative of the person/company owning the content.
We will reply to and clear EVERY request. We will not reply to automatized bot messages though, or messages missing any information listed above. On receipt of the notice it may take up to 72 hours to process your request..

Content Download:
All content on the Site and available through the Service, including designs, text, graphics, pictures, Audio, video, information, software, music, sound and other files are the sole property of poetandpoem.com. Downloading of any such content without appropriate permission is prohibited.

User Conduct:
the User agrees not to use the website to:
- use the Service or the Site in any unlawful manner or in any other manner that could damage, disable, overburden the Site;
- use automated scripts to collect information from the Site
- upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make available any Audio , video or textual copywrited content of others.
- use or attempt to use another's account or create a false identity on the the Site

User Content submitted on the Site:
The User is solely responsible for the photos, profiles, messages, text, information, audio, poem, lyric, video and other content that the User may upload, publish or display on the site.

poetandpoem.com reserves the rights to terminate your membership, delete your profile and any content or information that you have posted on the Site if it violates our terms and conditions.