Anonymous Olde English

Here you will find the Poem Ancient Boar's Head Carol. In die natiuitat of poet Anonymous Olde English

Ancient Boar's Head Carol. In die natiuitat

Nowell, nowell, nowell, nowell,
Tydyng' gode y thyngke to telle
The borys hede that we bryng here,
Betokeneth a p'nce with owte pere,
Ys born this day to bye v' dere, 
Nowell, &c. 

A bore ys a souerayn beste,
And acceptable in eu'y feste,
So mote thys lorde be to moste & leste, 
Nowell, &c.

This borys hede we bryng with song,
In worchyp of hym that thus sprang
Of a virgine to redresse all wrong,
Nowell, &c.