Dame Mary Gilmore

Here you will find the Poem Sweethearts of poet Dame Mary Gilmore


IT?S gettin? bits o? posies, 
 ?N? feelin? mighty good; 
A-thrillin? ?cause she loves you, 
 An? wond?rin? why she should; 
An? stoppin? sort o? sudden, 
 Because you?re full o? thought; 
An? quick with res?less feelin?s 
 That make life seem too short! 
It?s feelin? ?s if she?d loved you 
 Before the world was made; 
As if she still would love you, 
 When all our debts are paid; 
As if there?s nothin? mattered, 
 As if the world was good, 
As if the Lord was lookin?, 
 An? sort o? understood. 
It?s feelin? kind an? gentle 
 To everything that?s weak, 
And doin? jus? sich actions 
 As nearly seem to speak; 
Sich actions women reckon 
 Are certain to occur 
When he?s in love with some one, 
 And that some one is?her.