Here you will find the Poem Alphabet Poem of poet Edward Lear
A was once an ant, Tiny, Busy, Speedy, Shiny In the groundy Little ant! A was once a little ant, Antsy Fantsy Mantsy Antsy, Fantsy anty, Little ant! B was once a little bat, Batsy, Watsy, Fatsy, Batsy, Bumpy smacky Little bat! C was once a little cat, Batty, Catty, Fatty, Jatty, Fatty batty, Little cat! C was once a little cow, Cowy, Bowy, Wowy, Howy, Powy cowy, Little cow! D was once a little dog, Doggy, Woggy, Loggy, Doggy, Fasty-runner, Little doggy! E was once the whole wide earth, Earthy, Mearthy, Girthy, It gave birthy To this new earthy, This whole wide earth! G was once a little goat, Goaty, Woaty, Foaty, Goaty, Baa, baa oaty, Little goat! H was once a little hawk, Hawky, Lawky, Stawky, Hawky, Smawky hawky, Little hawk! I was once a little iguana, Igy, Wigy, Ligy, Igy, Silly willy, Little iguana! J was once a little juke box, Boxy, Koxy, Loxy, Boxy, Wide insidy, Little juke box! K was once a little kit, Kitty, Bitty, Itty, Witty, Icky kitty, Little kit! L was once little lion, Mindon, Gion, Bion, Sighon Gooey zion, Little lion! M is an 'm' you see, Memmy, Temmy, Semmy, Shemmy, Now 'm' is a moose you see, But she doesn't want to be! O was once a little ox, Oxy, Woxy, Foxy, Noxy, Run run oxy, Little Ox! P was once a plump old lady, Plumpy, Pumpy, Tunky, Wunky, Plumpy pumpy, Little old lady! Q was once a little quail, Quaily, Scaly, Whaly, Quaily, Paly quaily, Little quail! S was once a little snake, Snakey, Bakey, Kakey, Sakey, In a jungel, Little snake! T was once a little turtle, Turtally, Urtally, Nurtally, Turtally, Murtally burtally, Little turtle! U was once a little unicorn, Unicorny, Tricorny, Minocorny, Unicorny, In a barn, Little unicorn! V was once a little van, Vanny, Flanny, Manny Vanny, Drive really fasty, Little van! W was once a little witch, Witchy, Twitchy, Cwitchy, Witchy, Fly real high, Little witch! X was once a little x-man, Mexman, Nexman, Pexman, Mexman, X-man has big claws, Little x-man! Y was once a little yarn, Yarny, Carny, Larny, Yarny, Rolly yarny, Little yarn! Z was once a little zucchini, Winey, Tiney, Liney, Winey, Tinky zinky, Little letter z!