Here you will find the Long Poem Elegiac Feelings American of poet Gregory Corso
1 How inseparable you and the America you saw yet was never there to see; you and America, like the tree and the ground, are one the same; yet how like a palm tree in the state of Oregon. . . dead ere it blossomed, like a snow polar loping the Miami? How so that which you were or hoped to be, and the America not, the America you saw yet could not see So like yet unlike the ground from which you stemmed; you stood upon America like a rootless Hat-bottomed tree; to the squirrel there was no divorcement in its hop of ground to its climb of tree. . . until it saw no acorn fall, then it knew there was no marriage between the two; how fruitless, how useless, the sad unnaturalness of nature; no wonder the dawn ceased being a joy. . . for what good the earth and sun when the tree in between is good for nothing. . . the inseparable trinity, once dissevered, becomes a cold fruitless meaningless thrice-marked deathlie in its awful amputation. . . O butcher the pork-chop is not the pig?The American alien in America is a bitter truncation; and even this elegy, dear Jack, shall have a butchered tree, a tree beaten to a pulp, upon which it'll be contained?no wonder no good news can be written on such bad news? How alien the natural home, aye, aye, how dies the tree when the ground is foreign, cold, unfree?The winds know not to blow the seed of the Redwood where none before stood; no palm is blown to Oregon, how wise the wind?Wise too the senders of the prophet. . . knowing the fertility of the designated spot where suchmeant prophecy be announced and answerable?the sower of wheat does not sow in the fields of cane; for the sender of the voice did also send the ear. And were little Liechtenstein, and not America, the designation. . . surely then we'd the tongues of Liechtenstein? Was not so much our finding America as it was America finding its voice in us; many spoke to America as though America by land-right was theirs by law-right legislatively acquired by materialistic coups of wealth and inheritance; like the citizen of society believes himself the owner of society, and what he makes of himself he makes of America and thus when he speaks of America he speaks of himself, and quite often such a he is duly elected to represent what he represents. . . an infernal ego of an America Thus many a patriot speaks lovingly of himself when he speaks of America, and not to appreciate him is not to appreciate America, and vice-versa The tongue of truth is the true tongue of America, and it could not be found in the Daily Heralds since the voice therein was a controlled voice, wickedly opinionated, and directed at gullible No wonder we found ourselves rootless. . . for we've become the very roots themselves,?the lie can never take root and there grow under a truth of sun and therefrom bear the fruit of truth Alas, Jack, seems I cannot requiem thee without requieming America, and that's one requiem I shall not presume, for as long as I live there'll be no requiems for me For though the tree dies the tree is born anew, only until the tree dies forever and never a tree born anew. . . shall the ground die too Yours the eyes that saw, the heart that felt, the voice that sang and cried; and as long as America shall live, though ye old Kerouac body hath died, yet shall you live. . . for indeed ours was a time of prophecy without death as a consequence. . . for indeed after us came the time of assassins, and whotll doubt thy last words 'After me. . . the deluge' Ah, but were it a matter of seasons I'd not doubt the return of the tree, for what good the ground upon which we stand itself unable to stand?aye the tree will in seasonal time fall, for it be nature's wont, thaPs why the ground, the down, the slow yet sure decomposition, until the very tree becomes the very ground where once it stood; yet falls the ground. . . ah, then what? unanswerable this be unto nature, for there is no ground whereon to fall and land, no down, no up even, directionless, and into what, if what, composition goeth its decomposition? We came to announce the human spirit in the name of beauty and truth; and now this spirit cries out in nature's sake the horrendous imbalance of all things natural. . . elusive nature caught! like a bird in hand, harnessed and engineered in the unevolutional ways of experiment and technique Yes though the tree has taken root in the ground the ground is upturned and in this forced vomitage is spewn the dire miasma of fossilific trees of death the million-yeared pitch and grease of a dinosauric age dead and gone how all brought to surface again and made t