Sa di

Here you will find the Poem Ch 04 On The Advantages Of Silence Story 03 of poet Sa di

Ch 04 On The Advantages Of Silence Story 03

An intelligent youth possessed an abundant share of accomplishments and discreet behaviour so that he was allowed to sit in assemblies of learned men but he refrained from conversing with them. His father once asked him why he did not likewise speak on subjects he was acquainted with. He replied: `I fear I may be asked what I do not know and be put to shame.?

 Hast thou heard how a Sufi drove 
 A few nails under his sandals 
 And an officer taking him by the sleeve 
 Said to him: `Come and shoe my horse.? 
 For what thou hast not said no one will trouble thee 
 But when thou hast spoken bring the proof.