Sir Charles Sedley

Here you will find the Poem To Cloris of poet Sir Charles Sedley

To Cloris

Cloris, I cannot say your eyes 
Did my unwary heart surprise; 
Nor will I swear it was your face, 
Your shape, or any nameless grace: 
For you are so entirely fair, 
To love a part, injustice were; 
No drowning man can know which drop 
Of water his last breath did stop; 
So when the stars in heaven appear, 
And join to make the night look clear; 
The light we no one's bounty call, 
But the obliging gift of all. 
He that does lips or hands adore, 
Deserves them only, and no more; 
But I love all, and every part, 
And nothing less can ease my heart. 
Cupid, that lover, weakly strikes, 
Who can express what 'tis he likes.