Here you will find the Long Poem A Ioyfull medytacyon to all Englonde of the coronacyon of our moost naturall souerayne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. of poet Stephen Hawes
The prologue The prudent problems/& the noble werkes Of the gentyll poetes in olde antyquyte Unto this day hath made famous clerkes For the poetes wrote nothynge in vanyte But grounded them on good moralyte Encensynge out the fayre dulcet fume Our langage rude to exyle and consume The ryght eloquent poete and monke of bery Made many fayre bookes/as it is probable From ydle derkenes/to lyght our emyspery Whose vertuous pastyme/was moche cōmendable Presentynge his bookes/gretely prouffytable To your worthy predecessour the .v. kynge Henry Whiche regystred is in the courte of memory Amyddes the medowe of flora the quene Of the goddes elycon/is the sprynge or well And by it groweth/a fayre laurell grene Of whiche the poetes do ofte wryte and tell Besyde this olyue/I dyde neuer dwell To tast the water whiche is aromatyke For to cause me wryte with lusty rethoryke Wherfore good souerayne/I beseche your hyghnes To pardon me whiche do rudely endyte As in this arte hauynge small intres But for to lerne is all myn appetyte In folowynge the monke whiche dyde nobly wryte Besechynge your hyghnes and grace debonayre For to accepte this rude and lytell quayre Explicit prologus. O God alone in heuen werynge crowne In whose inspecte is euery regall se Both to enhaūce & for to cast adowne Suche is y&supere; power of th&ybar; hygh magiste Neyther hardynes treasour nor dygnyte May withstande thy strength whiche is ī euery place So grete and myghty is thy dyuyne grace Two tytles in one thou dydest well vnyfye Whan the rede rose toke the whyte in maryage Reygnynge togyder ryght hygh and noblye From whose vnyd tytyls and worthy lygnage Descended is by ryght excellent courage Kynge Henry the .viii. for to reygne doutles Unyuersall his fame honour and larges Whiche hathe spousyd a fayre floure of vertue Descended of kynges dame kwtheryn of Spayne Descended of Kynges dame Kathelyn of Spayne By grace and prudens the peace to attayne Wherfore Englonde thou nedes not complayne Syth thou hast crowned openly in syght This kynge and quene by good true loue and ryght What sholde I shewe by perambulacyon All this grete tryumphe of whiche reporte Is made aboute nowe in euery nacyon Unto all this realme to be Ioy and comforte Wherfore you lordes I humby you exhorte Spyrytuall and temporall with the comyns vnyfyde To gyue god the prayse whiche dothe grace prouyde Englonde be gladde/the dewe of grace is spred The dewe of Ioy/the dewe holsome and soote Dystylled is nowe from the rose so red And of the whyte so spryngynge from the roote After our trouble to be refute and boote This ryall tree was planted as I knowe By god aboue the rancour to downe throwe Who is the floure that dothe this grace dystyll But onely Henry the .viii. kynge of his name With golden droppes all Englonde to fulfyll To shewe his larges his honour and his fame His dedes therto exemplefye the same Wherfore nowe Englonde with hole deuocyon For this yonge kynge make dayly orayson Our late souerayne his fader excellent I knowe ryght well some holde oppynyon That to auaryce he had entendement Gadrynge grete rychesse of this his regyon But they lytell knowe by theyr small reason For what hye entente he gadered doutles Unto his grace suche innumerable ryches For I thinke well and god had sente him lyfe As they haue meruaylled moche of this gadrynge So it to them showe haue best affyrmatyfe To haue had grete wonder of his spendynge It may fortune he thought to haue mouynge Of mortall warre our fayth to stablysshe Agaynst the turkes theyr power to mynysshe But syth that dethe by his course naturall Hathe hym arested/and wolde not delay Lyke wyse as he was so be we mortall How/where/or whan I cam nothynge say Therfore to god aboue let vs all pray For to graunt hym mercy whiche was our kynge Bryngynge his soule to Ioy euerlastinge A fayre Englonde mystruste the ryght nought Regarde ryght well/his sonnes Iustyce Se how that they whyche inuencyons sought Delytynge them in the synne of auaryce To oppresse the comyns by grete preiudyce Dothe he not punysshe them accordynge to lawe Suche newe promocyons to dampne and withdrawe Fy on the saturne with thy mysty fume Replete with fraude treason and wyckednes To shewe thy beames thou darest not presume So cursed thou arte withouten stablenes Deuoyde of grace fulfylled with doblenes Thy power to Englonde was neuer amyable But alwayes euyll vntrue and varyable Now gentyll Iupyter the lodesterre of lyght Thy stedfast beames so fayre and so clere Cast now abrede that we may haue a syght To glad