Here you will find the Poem Foxhound Puppies of poet William Henry Ogilvie
Great big lolloping lovable things! Rolling and tumbling on every lawn, Tearing at slippers and bones and wings- Wonderful loot from the ash-heap drawn: Foxhound puppies Contented puppies Dipping your ears in the dews of dawn! Lapping your porridge at farm-house doors, Cracking a biscuit, robbing a nest Printing your tracks upon kitchen floors, Dodging a broom when the cooks protest; Foxhound puppies, Delinquent puppies, Cursed for a moment and then caressed! Wandering out where the spaniels walk, Following slow when the guns go by, Streaking for home when the twelve-bores talk, Clumsy and puzzled and suddenly shy; Foxhound puppies Bewildered puppies Lone and unwanted and wondering why! Never mind puppies, your day will come; By distant coverts your kingdoms wait, When the spaniels doze and the guns are dumb And hoofs are loud by the bridle gate; Foxhound puppies, Yet scarcely puppies, Raised as you are to a hound's estate. Lost will your lolloping ways be then, Your timid glance and your shrinking pose, As you shoulder the gorse in glade and glen, Lifting the line that your tongues disclose; Foxhound puppies, No longer puppies, But trusted names that the huntsman knows!