Here you will find the Poem Skyline Tommy of poet William Henry Ogilvie
He loves all games that good men play- And plays them clean and straight- But most the chase of foxes With all its turns of fate. When far behind him in the vale Strings out our beaten hunt With easy grace he keeps his place, His rightful place, in front. He always seems to lead us Whate'er the pace may be- `He's always on the skyline! ' As some one said to me. `Tis true his horses are the best, `Tis true he steals his start, But none could hold a line so bold Without a gallant heart. So here's to Skyline Tommy, The bravest of our guides! In all the scattered counties No finer horseman rides; Not soon shall we, the laggards, The cheering sight forget Of Tommy high against the sky In splendid silhouette!