Here you will find the Long Poem The Vision Of Piers Plowman - Part 07 of poet William Langland
Treuthe herde telle herof, and to Piers sente To taken his teme and tilien the erthe, And purchaced hym a pardoun a pena et a culpa For hym and for hyse heirs for ever oore after- And bad hym holde hym at home and erien hise Ieyes, And alle that holpen hym to erye, to sette or to sowe, or any [man]er mestier that myghte Piers availe - Pardon with Piers Plowman Truthe hath ygraunted. Kynges and knyghtes that kepen Holy Chirche And rightfully in remes rulen the peple, Han pardon thorugh purgatorie to passen ful lightly, With patriarkes and prophetes in paradis to be felawe. Bysshopes yblessed, if thei ben as thei sholde Legistres of bothe lawes, the lewed therwith to preche, And in as muche as thei mowe amenden alle synfulle, Arn peres with the Apostles - this pardon Piers sheweth - And at the day of dome at the heighe deys to sitte. Marchaunts in the margyne hadde manye yeres, Ac noon A pena et a culpa the Pope nolde hem graunte. For thei holde noght hir halidayes as Holy Chirche techeth, And for thei swere 'by hir soule' and-so God moste hem helpe' Ayein clene Conseience, hir catel to selle. Ac under his secret seel Truthe sente hem a lettre, [And bad hem] buggen boldely what hem best liked And sithenes selle it ayein and save the wynnyng, And amende mesondieux thermyd and myseise folk helpe; And wikkede weyes wightly amende, And do boote to brugges that tobroke were; Marien maydenes or maken hem nonnes; Povere peple and prisons fynden hem hir foode, And sette soolers to scole or to som othere craftes; Releve Religion and renten hem bettre. 'And I shal sende yow myselve Seynt Michel myn angel, That no devel shal yow dere ne [in youre deying fere yow], And witen yow fro wanhope, if ye wol thus werche, And sende youre soules in saufte to my Seintes in joye.' Thanne were marchaunts murie - manye wepten for joye- And preiseden Piers the Plowman, that purchaced this bulle. Men of lawe leest pardon hadde that pleteden for mede, For the Sauter saveth hem noght, swiche as take yiftes, And nameliche of innocents that noon yvel ne konneth Super innocentem munera non accipies. Pledours sholde peynen hem to plede for swiche and helpe; Princes and prelates sholde paie for hire travaille A regibus et principibus erit merces eorum. Ac many a justice and jurour wolde for Johan do moore Than pro Deipietate - leve thow noon oother! Ac he that spendeth his speche and speketh for the povere That is innocent and nedy and no man apeireth, Conforteth hym in that caas, coveit[eth noght hise] yiftes, And [for Oure Lordes love lawe for hym sheweth] - Shal no devel at his deeth day deren hym a myte That he ne worth saaf and his soule, the Sauter bereth witnesse Domine, quis habitabit in tabernaculo tuo ? Ac to bugge water, ne wynd, ne wit, ne fir the ferthe - Thise foure the Fader of Hevene made to this foold in commune Thise ben Truthes tresores trewe folk to helpe, That nevere shul wex ne wanye withouten God hymselve. Whan thei drawen on to the deth, and indulgences wolde have, His pardon is ful petit at his partyng hennes That any mede of mene men for hir motyng taketh. Ye legistres and lawieres, [if I lye witeth Mathew] Quodcumque vultis ut faciant vobis homines, facite eis. Alle libbynge laborers that lyven with hir hondes, That treweliche taken and treweliche wynnen, And lyven in love and in lawe, for hir lowe herte Haveth the same absolucion that sent was to Piers. Beggeres and bidderes beth noght in the bulle But if the suggestion be sooth that shapeth hem to begge For he that beggeth or bit, but it he have nede, He is fals with the feend and defraudeth the nedy, And also gileth the gyvere ageynes his wille; For if he wiste he were noght nedy he wolde [that yyve] Another that were moore nedy than he - so the nedieste sholde be holpe. Caton kenneth me thus, and the Clerc of the Stories Cui des, videto is Catons techyng; And in the Stories he techeth to bistowe thyn almesse Sit elemosina tua in manu tua donec studes cui des. Ac Gregory was a good man, and bad us gyven alle That asketh for His love that us al leneth Non eligas cui miserearis, ne forte pretereas illum qui meretur accipere; quia incertum est pro quo Deo magis placeas. For wite ye nevere who is worthi-ac God woot who hath nede. In hym that taketh is the trecherie, if any treson walke- For he that yeveth, yeldeth, and yarketh hym to reste, And he that biddeth, borweth, and bryngeth hymself in dette. For beggeres borwen everemo, and hir borgh is God Almyghty- To yelden hem that yeveth hem, and yet usure moore Quare non dedisti pecuniam meam ad mensam, ut ego ueniens cum usuris exegissem utique illam? Forthi bid