Anne Kingsmill Finch

Here you will find the Poem Moral Song of poet Anne Kingsmill Finch

Moral Song

Would we attain the happiest State, 
 That is design'd us here; 
No Joy a Rapture must create, 
 No Grief beget Despair. 
No Injury fierce Anger raise, 
 No Honour tempt to Pride; 
No vain Desires of empty Praise 
 Must in the Soul abide. 
No Charms of Youth, or Beauty move 
 The constant, settl'd Breast: 
Who leaves a Passage free to Love, 
 Shall let in, all the rest. 
In such a Heart soft Peace will live, 
 Where none of these abound; 
The greatest Blessing, Heav'n do's give, 
 Or can on Earth be found.