Here you will find the Long Poem The Bowge of Courte of poet John Skelton
In Autumpne whan the sonne in vyrgyne By radyante hete enryped hath our corne Whan luna full of mutabylyte As Emperes the dyademe hath worne Of our pole artyke smylynge halfe in scorne At our foly and our vnstedfastnesse The tyme whan Mars to werre hym dyd dres I callynge to mynde the great auctoryte Of poetes olde whyche full craftely Under as couerte termes as coude be Can touche a troughte and cloke it subtylly Wyth fresshe vtteraunce full sentencyously Dyuerse in style some spared not vyce to wrythe Some of moralyte nobly dyde endyte Wherby I rede theyr renome and theyr fame Maye neuer dye bute euermore endure I was sore moued to a force the same But Ignoraunce full soone dyde me dyscure And shewed that in this arte I was not sure For to Illumyne she sayde I was to dulle Auysynge me my penne awaye to pulle And not to wrythe/ for he so wyll atteyne Excedynge ferther than his connynge is His hede maye be harde but feble is his brayne Yet haue I knowen suche er this But of reproche surely he maye not mys That clymmeth hyer than he may fotynge haue What and he slyde downe who shall hym saue Thus vp & down my mynde was drawen & cast That I ne wyste what to do was beste Soo sore enwered that I was at the laste Enforsed to slepe and for to take some reste And to lye downe as soone as I me dreste At harwyche porte slumbrynge as I laye In myne hostes house called powers keye Me thoughte I sawe a shyppe goodly of sayle Come saylynge forth into that hauen brood Her takelynge ryche and of hye apparayle She kyste an anker and there she laye at rode Marchauntes her borded to see what she had lode Therein they founde Royall marchaundyse Fraghted with plesure of what ye coude deuyse But than I thoughte I wolde not dwell behynde Amonge all other I put myselfe in prece Than there coude I none aquentaunce fynde There was moche noyse anone one cryed cese Sharpely commaundynge eche man holde hys pece Maysters he sayde the shyp that ye here see The bowge of courte it hyghte for certeynte The awnner therof is lady of estate Whoos name to tell is dame saunce pere Her marchaundyse is ryche and fortunate But who wyll haue it muste paye therfore dere This Royall chaffre that is shypped here Is called fauore to stonde in her good grace Than sholde ye see there pressynge in a pace Of one and other that wolde this lady see Whiche sat behynde a traues of sylke fyne Of golde of tessew the fynest that myghte be In a trone whiche fer clerer dyde shyne Than Phebus in his spere celestyne Whoos beaute honoure goodly porte I haue to lytyll connynge to reporte But of eche thynge there as I toke hede Amonge all other was wrytten in her trone In golde letters this worde whiche I dyde rede Garder le fortune que est mauelz et bone And as I stode redynge this verse myselfe allone Her chyef gentylwoman daunger by her name Gaue me a taunte and sayde I was to blame To be so perte to prese so proudly vppe She sayde she trowed that I had eten sause She asked yf euer I dranke of saucys cuppe And I than softly answered to that clause That so to saye. I had gyuen her no cause Than asked she me Syr so god the spede What is thy name and I sayde it was drede What mouyd the quod she hydder to come Forsoth quod I to bye some of youre ware And with that worde on me she gaue a glome With browes bente and gan on me to stare Full daynnously and fro me she dyde fare Leuynge me stondynge as a mased man To whome there came another gentylwoman Desyre her name was and so she me tolde Sayenge to me broder be of good chere Abasshe you not but hardely be bolde Auaunce yourselfe to aproche and come nere What though our chaffer be neuer so dere Yet I auyse you to speke for ony drede Who spareth to speke in fayth he spareth to spede Maystres quod I. I haue none aquentaunce That wyll for me be medyatoure and mene And this another I haue but smale substaunce Pece quod Desyre ye speke not worth a bene Yf ye haue not in fayth I wyll you lene A precyous Iewell no rycher in this londe Bone auenture haue here now in your honde Shyfte now therwith let see as ye can In bowge of courte cheuysaunce to make For I dare saye that there nys erthly man But an he can bone auenture take There can no fauour nor frendshyp hym forsake Bone auenture may brynge you in suche case That ye shall stonde in fauoure and in grace But of one thynge I werne you er I goo She that styreth the shyp make her your frende Maystres quod I. I praye you tell me why soo And how I maye that waye & meanes fynde Forsothe quod she howeuer blowe the wynde Fortune gydeth and ruleth all oure shyppe Whome she hateth shall ouer the seebo