Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch

Here you will find the Poem Tim The Dragoon of poet Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch

Tim The Dragoon

Be aisy an' list to a chune 
That's sung of bowld Tim the Dragoon? 
Sure, 'twas he'd niver miss 
To be stalin' a kiss, 
Or a brace, by the light of the moon? 
Wid a wink at the Man in the Moon!
Rest his sowl where the daisies grow thick; 
For he's gone from the land of the quick: 
But he's still makin' love 
To the leddies above, 
An' be jabbers! he'll tache 'em the thrick? 
Niver doubt but he'll tache 'em the thrick!
'Tis by Tim the dear saints'll set sthore, 
And 'ull thrate him to whisky galore: 
For they 've only to sip 
But the tip of his lip 
An' bedad! they'll be askin' for more? 
By the powers, they'll be shoutin' 'Ancore!'