Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of Denise Levertov.Our large collection of famous Denise Levertov Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of Denise Levertov on We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section
Who is at my window, who, who? It's the blind cuckoo, mulling the old song over. The old song is about fear, about tomorrow and next year. Timor mortis conturbat me, he sings.... (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "Who Is at My Window.")
From the shrivelling gray silk of its cocoon a creature slowly is pushing out to stand clear.... (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "The Disclosure.")
He throws off artifacts as he contracts and expands the muscle of his being, ringed in himself, tilling. (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "The Earth Worm.")
Joy is so special a thing, vivid?' her love for the earth returns, her heart lightens, she savors the crust. (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "Joy.")
To stand on common ground here and there gritty with pebbles yet elsewhere 'fine and mellow? uncommon fine for ploughing' there to labor planting the vegetable words (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "A Common Ground.")
Sleeping, sleeping, it is the thunder of the serpent drumroll of the mounting smell of gas. (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "Above the Cave.")
It was reported their singing resembled the flight of moths in moonlight. Who can say? It is silent now. (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "What Were They Like?")
The last cobwebs of fog in the black firtrees are flakes of white ash in the world's hearth. (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "The Depths.")
she is kind and very clean without ostentation but she has no imagination. (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "In Mind.")
I want to move deeper into today; he keeps me from that work. (Denise Levertov (b. 1923), Anglo-U.S. poet. "Who Is at My Window.")