Famous Quotes of Poet Geoffrey Hill

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of Geoffrey Hill.Our large collection of famous Geoffrey Hill Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of Geoffrey Hill on poetandpoem.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

As estimated, you died. Things marched,
sufficient, to that end.
Just so much Zyklon and leather, patented
terror, so many routine cries.

(Geoffrey Hill (b. 1932), British poet. September Song (l. 4-7). . . Norton Anthology of Poetry, The. Alexander W. Allison and others, eds. (3d ed., 1983) W. W. Norton & Company.)
Autumn resumes the land, ruffles the woods
with smoky wings, entangles them.

(Geoffrey Hill (b. 1932), British poet. An Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England. . . New & Collected Poems, 1952-1992 [Geoffrey Hill]. (1994) Houghton Mifflin.)
Platonic England, house of solitudes,
rests in its laurels and its injured stone,

(Geoffrey Hill (b. 1932), British poet. An Apology for the Revival of Christian Architecture in England. . . New & Collected Poems, 1952-1992 [Geoffrey Hill]. (1994) Houghton Mifflin.)
In the schoolyard,in the cloakrooms, the children boasted their
scars of dried snot;wrists and knees garnished with impetigo.

(Geoffrey Hill (b. 1932), British poet. Mercian Hymns (l. 12-14). . . Norton Anthology of Poetry, The. Alexander W. Allison and others, eds. (3d ed., 1983) W. W. Norton & Company.)
When snow like sheep lay in the fold

(Geoffrey Hill (b. 1932), British poet. In Memory of Jane Fraser (l. 1). . . New & Collected Poems, 1952-1992 [Geoffrey Hill]. (1994) Houghton Mifflin.)
By blood we live, the hot, the cold,
To ravage and redeem the world:
There is no bloodless myth will hold.

(Geoffrey Hill (b. 1932), British poet. Genesis (l. 40-42). . . New & Collected Poems, 1952-1992 [Geoffrey Hill]. (1994) Houghton Mifflin.)
The soft-voiced owl, the ferret's smile,
The hawk's deliberate stoop in air,
Cold eyes, and bodies hooped in steel,
Forever bent upon the kill.'

(Geoffrey Hill (b. 1932), British poet. Genesis (l. 16-20). . . New & Collected Poems, 1952-1992 [Geoffrey Hill]. (1994) Houghton Mifflin.)