Famous Quotes of Poet Isaac Rosenberg

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of Isaac Rosenberg.Our large collection of famous Isaac Rosenberg Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of Isaac Rosenberg on poetandpoem.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

Poppies whose roots are in man's veins
Drop, and are ever dropping;
But mine in my ear is safe,
Just a little white with the dust.

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. Break of Day in the Trenches (l. 23-26). . . Oxford Anthology of English Literature, The, Vols. I-II. Frank Kermode and John Hollander, general eds. (1973) Oxford University Press (Also published as six paperback vols.: Medieval English Literature, J. B. Trapp, ed.; The Literature of Renaissance England, John Hollander and Frank Kermode, eds.; The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, Martin Price, ed.; Romantic Poetry and Prose, Harold Bloom and Lionel Trilling, eds.; Victorian Prose and Poetry, Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom, eds.; Modern British Literature, Frank Kermode and John Hollander, eds.).)
Bonds to the whims of murder,
Sprawled in the bowels of the earth,
The torn fields of France.

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. Break of Day in the Trenches (l. 16-18). . . Oxford Anthology of English Literature, The, Vols. I-II. Frank Kermode and John Hollander, general eds. (1973) Oxford University Press (Also published as six paperback vols.: Medieval English Literature, J. B. Trapp, ed.; The Literature of Renaissance England, John Hollander and Frank Kermode, eds.; The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, Martin Price, ed.; Romantic Poetry and Prose, Harold Bloom and Lionel Trilling, eds.; Victorian Prose and Poetry, Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom, eds.; Modern British Literature, Frank Kermode and John Hollander, eds.).)
The grass and coloured clay
More motion have than they,
Joined to the great sunk silences.

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. Dead Man's Dump (l. 66-68). . . Oxford Book of War Poetry, The. Jon Stallworthy, ed. (1984) Oxford University Press.)
When the swift iron burning bee
Drained the wild honey of their youth.

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. Dead Man's Dump (l. 30-31). . . Oxford Book of War Poetry, The. Jon Stallworthy, ed. (1984) Oxford University Press.)
Death could drop from the dark
As easily as song?
But song only dropped,

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. Returning, We Hear the Larks (l. 10-12). . . Oxford Anthology of English Literature, The, Vols. I-II. Frank Kermode and John Hollander, general eds. (1973) Oxford University Press (Also published as six paperback vols.: Medieval English Literature, J. B. Trapp, ed.; The Literature of Renaissance England, John Hollander and Frank Kermode, eds.; The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, Martin Price, ed.; Romantic Poetry and Prose, Harold Bloom and Lionel Trilling, eds.; Victorian Prose and Poetry, Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom, eds.; Modern British Literature, Frank Kermode and John Hollander, eds.).)
Earth has waited for them,
All the time of their growth
Fretting for their decay:
Now she has them at last!

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. Dead Man's Dump (l. 14-17). . . Oxford Book of War Poetry, The. Jon Stallworthy, ed. (1984) Oxford University Press.)
For a shirt verminously busy
Yon soldier tore from his throat, with oaths
Godhead might shrink at, but not the lice.

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. Louse Hunting (l. 5-7). . . Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse, The. Philip Larkin, ed. (1973) Oxford University Press.)
Iron are our lives
Molten right through our youth.
A burnt space through ripe fields
A fair mouth's broken tooth.

(Isaac Rosenberg (1890-1918), British poet. August 1914 (l. 9-12). . . Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse, The. Philip Larkin, ed. (1973) Oxford University Press.)