Here you will find the Poem Hymn 141 of poet Isaac Watts
The Humiliation and exaltation of Christ. Isa. 53:1-5,10-12. Who has believed thy word, Or thy salvation known? Reveal thine arm, Almighty Lord, And glorify thy Son. The Jews esteemed him here Too mean for their belief; Sorrows his chief acquaintance were, And his companion, grief. They turned their eyes away, And treated him with scorn; But 'twas their grief upon him lay, Their sorrows he has borne. 'Twas for the stubborn Jews, And Gentiles then unknown, The God of justice pleased to bruise His best-beloved Son. "But I'll prolong his days, And make his kingdom stand; My pleasure," saith the God of grace, "Shall prosper in his hand." ["His joyful soul shall see The purchase of his pain And by his knowledge justify The guilty sons of men.] ["Ten thousand captive slaves, Released from death and sin, Shall quit their prisons and their graves And own his power divine.] ["Heav'n shall advance my Son To joys that earth denied; Who saw the follies men had done, And bore their sins, and died."]