Famous Quotes of Poet John Cleveland

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of John Cleveland.Our large collection of famous John Cleveland Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of John Cleveland on poetandpoem.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

The People's violent Love and Hate;
One in extreames lov'd and abhor'd.
Riddles lie here; or in a word,
Here lies Blood; and let it lie
Speechlesse still, and never crie.

(John Cleveland (1613-1658), British poet. Epitaph on the Earl of Strafford (l. 10-14). . . New Oxford Book of English Verse, The, 1250-1950. Helen Gardner, ed. (1972) Oxford University Press.)
I am no Poet here; my pen 's the spout,
Where the rain water of my eyes run out,
In pity of that name, whose fate wee see
Thus copied out in griefs Hydrography:
The Muses are not Mer-maids, though upon
His death the Ocean might turn Helicon

(John Cleveland (1613-1658), British poet. On the Memory of Mr. Edward King, Drowned in the Irish Seas (l. 5-10). . . Oxford Anthology of English Literature, The, Vols. I-II. Frank Kermode and John Hollander, general eds. (1973) Oxford University Press (Also published as six paperback vols.: Medieval English Literature, J. B. Trapp, ed.; The Literature of Renaissance England, John Hollander and Frank Kermode, eds.; The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century, Martin Price, ed.; Romantic Poetry and Prose, Harold Bloom and Lionel Trilling, eds.; Victorian Prose and Poetry, Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom, eds.; Modern British Literature, Frank Kermode and John Hollander, eds.).)