Famous Quotes of Poet Richard Hugo

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of Richard Hugo.Our large collection of famous Richard Hugo Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of Richard Hugo on poetandpoem.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

You might come here Sunday on a whim.
Say your life broke down. The last good kiss
you had was years ago.

(Richard Hugo (1923-1982), U.S. poet. Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg (l. 1-3). . . Making Certain It Goes On; the Collected Poems of Richard Hugo. (1984) W. W. Norton.)
Or driven wild
by snakes that kept the carrots clean,
she butchered snakes and carrots with a hoe.

(Richard Hugo (1923-1982), U.S. poet. The Way a Ghost Dissolves (l. 17-19). . . Making Certain It Goes On; the Collected Poems of Richard Hugo. (1984) W. W. Norton.)
work until my heart is short,
then go out slowly with a feeble grin,
my fingers flexing but my eyes gone gray
from cramps and the lack of oxygen.

(Richard Hugo (1923-1982), U.S. poet. The Way a Ghost Dissolves (l. 25-28). . . Making Certain It Goes On; the Collected Poems of Richard Hugo. (1984) W. W. Norton.)
Rub a half potato on your wart
and wrap it in a damp cloth. Close
your eyes and whirl three times and throw.
Then bury rag and spud exactly where they fall.

(Richard Hugo (1923-1982), U.S. poet. The Way a Ghost Dissolves (l. 9-13). . . Making Certain It Goes On; the Collected Poems of Richard Hugo. (1984) W. W. Norton.)
She planted corn and left the rest
to elements, convinced that God
with giant faucets regulates the rain
and saves the crops from frost or foreign wind.

(Richard Hugo (1923-1982), U.S. poet. The Way a Ghost Dissolves (l. 4-7). . . Making Certain It Goes On; the Collected Poems of Richard Hugo. (1984) W. W. Norton.)
Off south, the bison multiply so fast
a slaughter's mandatory every spring
and every spring the creeks get fat
and Kicking Horse fills up.

(Richard Hugo (1923-1982), U.S. poet. The Lady in Kicking Horse Reservoir (l. 43-46). . . Making Certain It Goes On; the Collected Poems of Richard Hugo. (1984) W. W. Norton.)
Isn't this your life? That ancient kiss
still burning out your eyes? Isn't this defeat
so accurate, the church bell simply seems
a pure announcement: ring and no one comes?

(Richard Hugo (1923-1982), U.S. poet. Degrees of Gray in Philipsburg (l. 23-26). . . Making Certain It Goes On; the Collected Poems of Richard Hugo. (1984) W. W. Norton.)