Famous Quotes of Poet George Barker

Here you will find a huge collection of inspiring and beautiful quotes of George Barker.Our large collection of famous George Barker Quotations and Sayings are inspirational and carefully selected. We hope you will enjoy the Quotations of George Barker on poetandpoem.com. We also have an impressive collection of poems from famous poets in our poetry section

She is a procession no one can follow after
But be like a little dog following a brass band.

(George Barker (b. 1913), British poet, novelist, playwright, scriptwriter. Sonnet to My Mother (l. 7-8).)
The imperial multiplicatornothing can nonplus:
My mother Nature is the origin of it all.

(George Barker (b. 1913), British poet, novelist, playwright, scriptwriter. O Golden Fleece (l. 19-20). . . Erotic Poetry; the Lyrics, Ballads, Idyls, and Epics of Love?Classical to Contemporary. William Cole, ed. (1963) Random House.)
The love that kisses with a homicide
In robes of red generation resurrects.

(George Barker (b. 1913), British poet, novelist, playwright, scriptwriter. O Golden Fleece (l. 14-15). . . Erotic Poetry; the Lyrics, Ballads, Idyls, and Epics of Love?Classical to Contemporary. William Cole, ed. (1963) Random House.)
Most near, most dear, most loved and most far,
Under the window where I often found her
Sitting as huge as Asia, seismic with laughter,

(George Barker (b. 1913), British poet, novelist, playwright, scriptwriter. Sonnet to My Mother (l. 1-3). . . Seven Centuries of Poetry; Chaucer to Dylan Thomas. A. N. Jeffares, ed. (1955) Longmans, Green & Company.)