Famous Butterfly Poems / Butterfly Verses

We have a great collection of famous butterfly Poems / Verses. Our selection of butterfly Poetry focuses on poems that are about butterfly and easy to comprehend. In addition to butterfly Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as butterfly and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the butterfly Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous butterfly Poems using the ajax based search.

AesopA Bird Came DownChuang Tzu And The Butterfly
Tom O'RoughleyA Bird came down the WalkMarriage
One MorningJubilate Agno: Fragment AThe Book of Thel
The Bee and the ButterflyLes BallonsThe Butterfly's Ball, and the Grasshopper's Feast
Amends to NatureNocturneThe Book of Phillip Sparrow
Blood And The MoonCity That Does Not SleepPagett, M.P.
The Splendid ShillingThe Broncho That Would Not Be BrokenThe Boy
Joy and PleasureThe Metamorphosis Of PlantsThe River-Merchant's Wife
Green Linnet, TheMariposaRange-Finding
The BayadereAfter a TempestFrom Cocoon forth a Butterfly
MudBuddha at KamakuraInvitation to Miss Marianne Moore
To a Steam RollerThe Blackbirds are Rough TodayThe New Theory
Hugo's flower to butterflySalvador DaliExmoor