Famous Light Poems / Light Verses

We have a great collection of famous light Poems / Verses. Our selection of light Poetry focuses on poems that are about light and easy to comprehend. In addition to light Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as light and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the light Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous light Poems using the ajax based search.

A toad can die of light!The Olive TreePhilip Le Barr
Deus AbsconditusThe SearchlightsI Have Come To You Delighted
The Town Down by the RiverCorona InutilisSnow-Bound: A Winter Idyl
Cruelty and LoveThe FlightWhat the Coal-Heaver Said
In the Holy Nativity of our LordA Waltz-QuadrilleThe Garden
ErinnaSleep-StealerHoly Communion
The ChangeBallplayerGalahad in the Castle of the Maidens
The WordsDay And NightA poem, on the rising glory of America
Hymn 10BlueNacken - Water Demon
Hymn 120The Wreck Of The DeutschlandDiscovery
Sonnet LV: My Fair, If Thou WiltThen And NowThe Ancestral Dwelling
Sonnets - Ad InnuptamEpistle from Mrs. Yonge to Her HusbandSowing
A Part of an OdeCelestial MusicLove Preparing to Fly
I Only Am Escaped Alone to Tell TheeTo the Bartholdi StatueBearing the Light
Elegy For JaneThe Goose FishThe Night Piect, To Julia
An Apology for my fearfull temperStanzas To AugustaEach And All
To my MotherThis MorningFull Moon
Ode to a Dressmaker's DummyBanish Air from Air—Hymn to Pan
This Lime-Tree Bower, My PrisonHymn 146The General Public