Famous Lost Poems / Lost Verses

We have a great collection of famous lost Poems / Verses. Our selection of lost Poetry focuses on poems that are about lost and easy to comprehend. In addition to lost Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as lost and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the lost Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous lost Poems using the ajax based search.

ArithmeticGreater Love16. Of Gluttony and Feasting
The Demon DrinkMrs Frances Haris's PetitionExtracts From Leon. An Unfinished Poem
The Alpine HunterTuesday Before EasterThe Slave Dealer
The Wife of FlandersPoem (Remember midsummer: the fragrance of box)The Imperfect Lover
CantigaThe Idle Shepherd BoysThe Little Box
Sojourns in the Parallel WorldPraise for the Fountain OpenedThe New Man
WinnieThe Book of Phillip SparrowExcept to Heaven, she is nought
Modern Love XII: Not Solely That the FutureOur Prayer of ThanksVision X
ElysiumThe Ballad Of The ProverbsThe Emulation
The Return of AlbertHe Wonders Whether To Praise Or To Blame HerLak of Stedfastnesse
The Siege and Conquest of AlhamaGarden Of Boccaccio, TheReason and Passion XV
The FishChorusIn Springtime
Look not in my eyes, for fearTo His MistressHero and Leander
Captain Teach alias Black BeardThe SeaThe Wreck of the Steamer Stella
Thoreau's FluteCoraFrom Pent-up Aching Rivers
TinuvielTemperance Reform ClubsSweeney
Bill The BomberCrazy Jane And Jack The JourneymanMakanna's Gathering
The WorldLove Elegy, to HenryThe Plain
LimitsThe Rape of the Lock: Canto 5Counter-Attack
Britannia's PastoralsA proper trewe idyll of camelotThe Beautiful Blue Danube