Famous School Poems / School Verses

We have a great collection of famous school Poems / Verses. Our selection of school Poetry focuses on poems that are about school and easy to comprehend. In addition to school Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as school and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the school Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous school Poems using the ajax based search.

The Blackbirds are Rough TodayOnce It Was the Colour of SayingContentment
SongThe Song of EducationThe Master of the Dance
Aunt ChloeFarewell to Secretary Shu-yun at the Hsieh Tiao Villa in Hsuan-ChouJerusalem Delivered - Book 01 - part 05
A Fit of Rhyme against RhymeDynamiterThe Human Face
The LieRights of Woman, TheMary - A Ballad
Jonas KeeneThe Retired CatMy Mother
The Demon DrinkAvon's HarvestThe Grave (excerpt)
Lines written as a School Exercise at Hawkshead, Anno AetatisThe Old School ListThe Originals
MortificationDamon vs. PythiasThe Prelude, Book 1: Childhood and School-time
Recovering Amid The FarmsIn School-DaysParadise Regained: The Third Book
The Task: Book II, The Time-Piece (excerpts)A Lay of St. GengulphusPoetry
Six Brown Boxer HatsBrittania's ThroneGood-bye
M'Fingal - Canto IIIOn St. David's DayThe Passing of Gundagai
The Flower-SchoolThe School BoyA Manager's Perplexities
To Mrs. P********, With Some Drawings of Birds and Insects.God Has Pity On Kindergarten ChildrenMary smith
The Ballad Of The Harp-WeaverThe Oxford ThrushesThe Lonely Street
Blackmwore MaidensHesterThe Old Bark School
To Be AmusedAll Souls' NightAn Instructor's Dream
Girl-GladnessSpartan MotherFlame-Heart
The HolidaysThe White CliffsThe Merchant of Venice,: A Legend of Italy