Famous Night Poems / Night Verses

We have a great collection of famous night Poems / Verses. Our selection of night Poetry focuses on poems that are about night and easy to comprehend. In addition to night Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as night and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the night Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous night Poems using the ajax based search.

Through AgonyTam O'ShanterFor Osip Mandelstam
The indian corn planterElizabeth of BohemiaA March Day in London
Grabschrift Marianae Gryphiae,The Divine LoverAt Sea
Singers to ComeThe TruckerIn a Lonesome Burial-Place
Qua Cursum VentusUnbreakableSolemn Hour
The HealersSeasonal Cycle - Chapter 05 - WinterSunrise on the Coast
Sonnet XXVI: Look In My GriefsA Summer AfternoonModern Love XXIII: 'Tis Christmas Weather
God's Light-HousesThebais - Book One - part ITuesday Before Easter
The Heap of RagsIn the TrainThe Bride of a Year
Fie, Pleasure, Fie!Jottings of New YorkDialogue Lucasta, Alexis
Queen and HuntressThe Sun Was Slumbering in the WestPsalm 16 part 2
Love And A QuestionOn The PlainsPoem 6
Defence of Fort McHenry (The Stars and Stripes Forever)They say that shadows of deceased ghostsThe Kiss Returned
FindingSolitudeI Hear an Army Charging Upon the Land
The SandpiperDjolanYou, Andrew Marvell
NovemberAn Image From A Past LifeThe Break of Day
Hymns to the Night : 3Ch 05 On Love And Youth Story 16For Grace, After A Party
The Well Dressed Man With A BeardThe Retired CatSadness
MassesThe EmbankmentA Faery Song
Night On The PrairiesDesiresHeart, not so heavy as mine