Famous April Poems / April Verses

We have a great collection of famous april Poems / Verses. Our selection of april Poetry focuses on poems that are about april and easy to comprehend. In addition to april Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as april and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the april Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous april Poems using the ajax based search.

Common ColdIf I could bribe them by a RoseThe Fountain
Army HeadquartersAir Of Diabelli'sThe Mother of a Poet
The Two April MorningsOn a Proposed Trip SouthPortrait and Reality
my father moved through dooms of loveMy MotherI Shall Not Care
Sonnet 98: From you have I been absent in the springSilent StepsThe Cranes of Ibicus
L'EnvoiTo A Lady, With A GuitarGray Eyes
A MatchAfterwardsOde to Beauty
A Spring Piece Left In The MiddleHere Lies The Blithe SpringPrimavera Mia
Dairy OdeLove-FreeOde to Fanny
A Blackbird SingingRed MaplesThe Coquet
Take, Oh Take Those Lips AwayTo Ellen, At The SouthI Shall Not Care
Sheep and LambsApril SongA November Night
Canto 49To SimplicityThe West Wind
From: Horace To: Phyllis Subject: InvitationApple-BlossomBoaz Asleep
Little LibbieFrom the SeaOde to Health
AprilEaster WeekArtesian Well
Cuckoo SongThe MotherWarble Of Lilac-Time
The Dead MomentA CelebrationAn April Day
Mary and GabrielBlue SquillsShiloh - A Requiem
Winter: My SecretElegy in April and SeptemberA November Night