Famous People Poems / People Verses

We have a great collection of famous people Poems / Verses. Our selection of people Poetry focuses on poems that are about people and easy to comprehend. In addition to people Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as people and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the people Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous people Poems using the ajax based search.

To F.W.F.Two Infants IIThe dreams
Bring WineDire CureLying in me
Great, Wide, Beautiful, Wonderful WorldThe ForgottenThe Demon Drink
The Twelve-Forty-FiveCh 02 The Morals Of Dervishes Story 19Dion
The Odyssey: Book 20L'Ancien RegimeThe Ballad Of The Proverbs
Part 3 of Trout Fishing in AmericaThe ClysterMycerinus
The Death and Last Confession of Wandering PeterPsalm 77 part 2A Ballad of the Last King of Thule
A Worm Will TurnThe League of NationsFinis
London, Hast Thou Accursed MeIn the Valley of the ElwyCarric-Thura
FreethinkerCape BretonThe I'd like to be........ series
The Untrustworthy SpeakerYesterday and Today XIIPoet And The Bird, The
The Fair Maid of Perth's HouseUp'ardsYou, Darkness
To Women As Far As I'm ConcernedThe Ballad Of The Hanged MenThe Clepington Catastrophe
Beowulf (The Prelude)MannersA Working Party
The Pennsylvania DisasterCh 02 The Morals Of Dervishes Story 11The Famous Tay Whale
Fifth Sunday After Easter - Rogation SundayBells, TheThe Old Flame
The Ode of TarafahThe Odyssey: Book 22I Shall Soon Fall Prey To Rot
Before A CrucifixDon Juan: Canto the FirstConnoisseurs
Macdonough's SongAsparagusCh 07 On The Effects Of Education Story 04
In Salem Dwelt a Glorious KingGenesis BK XXThe Downfall of Delhi