Famous War Poems / War Verses

We have a great collection of famous war Poems / Verses. Our selection of war Poetry focuses on poems that are about war and easy to comprehend. In addition to war Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as war and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the war Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous war Poems using the ajax based search.

Mac Flecknoe: A Satire upon the True-blue Protestant Poet TDie SchwalbenhodeThe House of Christmas
Smile, Smile, SmileThe Too-Late BornAlexander's Feast; Or, The Power Of Music
The Dark HillsThe Poet's CalendarHoly Spring
After a TempestA Humble HeroineColumns
Irregular Verses to TruthNarva and MoredA Song Of The Sandbags
Beautiful North BerwickEpisode 32First Anniversary
Camps Of GreenIt was a' for our Rightful KingBook V - Part 03 - The World is Not Eternal
Bride of Abydos, TheGareth And LynetteFor A Thirteenth Birthday
A Funeral FantasieHalcyon DaysTo What Serves Mortal Beauty?
Isaiah LXIIIThe Brus Book XVIIIChrist's Triumph after Death (excerpts)
TheseThe Happy CoupleQueen Hilda of Virland
Season Of SongSonnet IX: If This Be LoveIsles of Greece, The
As I Ponder'd In SilenceFor AustraliaLiberty
Ode to DespairThe Iliad: Book VI (excerpt)Last Instructions to a Painter
The Welsh MarchesThe Rebel Surprise Near TamaiParis
Spanish SongThe BightIndependence
Border BalladDanish Boy, The: A FragmentSonnet 11
Fingal - Book IVBlake's VictoryLord Kitchner
Beowulf (Episode 25)CharlestonThe Brus Book XVI