Famous Lost Poems / Lost Verses

We have a great collection of famous lost Poems / Verses. Our selection of lost Poetry focuses on poems that are about lost and easy to comprehend. In addition to lost Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as lost and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the lost Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous lost Poems using the ajax based search.

HIS WINDING-SHEETHymn XXVI: I Thirst, Thou Wounded Lamb of GodDear Colette
The Winter LakesWhy dost thou Shade thy Lovely Face?Beauty
The LotteryInscription under the Picture of an Aged Negro-womanPart 4 of Trout Fishing in America
Troilus And Criseyde: Book 02HildebrandThe Gods Of The Copybook Headings
Landscape of a Vomiting MultitudeCrossing NationLot's Wife
FrancesThe Convent Gardener Of LamporechioThe Gardener XXVII: Trust Love
Hard LuckLast Instructions to a PainterAn Evening Reflection
How Gilbert DiedThe Story of Mongrel GreyThe Wanderer
BobsThe Poem CatThe Cry Of The Children
Little Boy Found, TheThe SkaterYou Who Never Arrived
An English GirlLoss And GainAstrophel and Stella: LXIV
Friday, The ToiletteThe Restoration Of The Royal FamilySongs of Battle
Poem on his BirthdayThe Sunderland CalamityLove in the afternoon
Mother EarthThe Old Home CallsCarry On
Juvenilia, An Ode to Natural BeautyCatharine LivingstonOf the Last Verses in the Book
Amoretti LXXIX: Men Call you FairLost LibertyVeni, Creator Spiritus
Against The Love Of Great Ones.I'll never love Thee moreChicago
A Confidant Without Knowing It; Or The StratagemDisabledThe Walk
LinesThe Ballad of the White HorseTo Posterity