Famous Friend Poems / Friend Verses

We have a great collection of famous friend Poems / Verses. Our selection of friend Poetry focuses on poems that are about friend and easy to comprehend. In addition to friend Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as friend and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the friend Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous friend Poems using the ajax based search.

MoneyFragments - Lines 1341 - 1350The Fairy Thorn
Mary smithHe comesThe Butterfly That Stamped
Mine is the Lifter of MountainsUnder the Harvest MoonIn the Stable
Sudden Fine WeatherThe Precocious Baby - a Very True TaleMy Letters! all dead paper. . . (Sonnet XXVIII)
The Pleasures of Hope (excerpt)Everyday Characters (excerpt)The Gardener XXVII: Trust Love
Did I Not Say To YouAmelia GarrickCavalier Tunes: Boot and Saddle
Prosopopoia: or Mother Hubbard's TaleA Funeral Poem On The Death Of C. E. An Infant Of Twelve MonthsCentennial
The Princess Betrothed To The King Of GarbaThe NightPoems to Mulgrave and Scroope
My Cancer CureWhy should a foolish marriage vowYou Smile Upon Your Friend To-Day
An Alphabet of Famous GoopsBattle Of BrunanburghSong Of The Broad-Axe
Young BloodHugh Selwyn Mauberly (Part I)June
New Year's EveThe Burial of Mr. GladstoneThe Holdfast
To A FriendA Woman's LoveLost on Both Sides
LI GALOPPINI (The Scroungers)A LamentLines and Squares
The WandererThe King and the SirenNow Finale To The Shore
To ImaginationSixteenth Sunday After TrinityThe Falcon
The LocketBack from Spain: to VeraniusA Prouder Man Than You
Brothers, TheAlone And Drinking Under The MoonThe Widow
These, I, Singing In SpringRichard MinutoloJean Desprez
To This Moment a RebelDandelionsGarden Francies