Famous Girl Poems / Girl Verses

We have a great collection of famous girl Poems / Verses. Our selection of girl Poetry focuses on poems that are about girl and easy to comprehend. In addition to girl Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as girl and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the girl Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous girl Poems using the ajax based search.

The Merchant of Venice,: A Legend of ItalyReminiscenceEvening Song
In the MoonlightThe Bush GirlThe Pennsylvania Disaster
Adventure of a PoetGiftsJane and Eliza
GoneThe Space CoastProthalamion
I See the Boys of SummerMaryette MyersOh! Mr. Malthus!
Size and TearsBoys and Girls Come out to PlayThe Calls
I am ashamedI hideGoodbye S.S.Room 7: The Coco-Fiend
Always Marry An April GirlWhite NassauBallad of Fisher's Boarding-House
Juggling JerryThe Princess (part 3)Why Should Not Old Men Be Mad?
ImmortalityThe straw parlorAmy Margaret's Five Year Old
Story of Mrs. W-Love in the afternoonTo The Reader
Good Little GirlsElegySister's cake
Spring in TownJuke Box Love SongThe Sorcerer: Act I
A Maori Girl's SongOppositesThe Elementary Scene
AdelaThe Village GreenAfternoon Tea
The Orange TreeAutumn PerspectivePan and Luna
Sir Barnaby Bampton BooSaturday Night in the ParthenonHow It's Done
Kraj Majales (King of May)A Spring Piece Left In The MiddleJazzonia
Sonnet XVIII: I Never Gave a Lock of HairEpilogue to the Tragedy of CatoLittle Girls Must Not Fret
The Battle of BlenheimIn UmbriaHare Drummer