Famous Night Poems / Night Verses

We have a great collection of famous night Poems / Verses. Our selection of night Poetry focuses on poems that are about night and easy to comprehend. In addition to night Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as night and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the night Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous night Poems using the ajax based search.

A DreamGoing to Heaven!My Delight and Thy Delight
Ode on SolitudeTranslated from GeibelDespairing Cries
Confessional, TheSigns of the TimesWhen, Dearest, I But Think of Thee
Sonnet 06: BluebeardA Literature Lesson. Sir Patrick Spens in the Eighteenth Century MannerThe Old Women
Once I Pass'd Through A Populous CitySafeKrishna Awakes
ReveilleThe ShepherdsThe Lights of London
The Shadowy Waters: Introductory LinesTo PoesyA drinking song
BarcelonaA Christmas HymnPrayer For A Prayer
A MirageAfter WaterlooTime Long Past
Sonnet 90: Then hate me when thou wilt; if ever, nowFar, far away is mirth withdrawnAnother Imitation Of Anacreon
Sainte-NitoucheSonnet IVAstrophel And Stella-Eleventh Song
Why Moan, Why Wail You, Wind Of NightSpring SongIn Midnight Sleep
Before StormThe Book of Urizen: Chapter VIA First Confession
The Complaint Of A LoverThe Rolling English RoadThe Revenge - A Ballad of the Fleet
In the StreetBlessing The CornfieldsEpisode 32
EbenezerDemeter and PersephoneEuphelia
Amends to NatureDebout Sur Mon Orgueil Je Veux Montrer Au SoirFrom Torrismond - In A Garden By Moonlight
Of The Going Down Of The SunNow The Day Is OverThe Sun Has Long Been Set
The MenuInsomnia IThe shut-eye train
Low BarometerCurfewThe Palace and the Hut XXIX