Famous Sorrow Poems / Sorrow Verses

We have a great collection of famous sorrow Poems / Verses. Our selection of sorrow Poetry focuses on poems that are about sorrow and easy to comprehend. In addition to sorrow Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as sorrow and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the sorrow Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous sorrow Poems using the ajax based search.

Returning of IssueRiver of Life, TheLittle Boy Found, The
Anashuya And VijayaLicia Sonnets 18Lewin and Gynneth
The Iliad: Book 17A Son Was Born To A Poor PeasantThe Right To Grief
Follow Your SaintThe Power of the DogLo gens temps de pascor
The Growth of LoveSonnet LIV: Care-Charmer SleepExcursion
Go, ValentineTo a Mistress DyingOde on Melancholy
Englishman In Italy, ThePost-GraduateTz'u No. 7
ThoraChristabelOur Hills
Isabella or The Pot of BasilInferno Canto 01The Vanity of All Worldly Things
PerditaSong.Oh, long enough my life has beenGenesis BK XVIII
Rainy NightHiawatha's ChildhoodGoody Blake and Harry Gill
An Appeal to My CountywomenBeowulf (Episode 03)Lines on the Opening of a Spring Campaign
Lost Leader, TheSonnet XXVChilde Harold's Pilgrimage: Canto the Third
Sonnet XXIV: These Sorrowing SighsThe Negro MotherMc'Clusky's Nell
He came unto His own, and His own received Him notGhosts, TheFaith and Despondency
Song of the Bowmen of ShuTo CarolineAgain and Again
O Sweetheart, Hear YouFriend In The Desolate TimeCh 05 On Love And Youth Story 13
Fairies, TheYarrow VisitedA Psalm of Labouring Life
So Cruel PrisonAaron HatfieldLocksley Hall
Abt VoglerThe Odyssey: Book 19Stanzas to a Friend