Famous Lost Poems / Lost Verses

We have a great collection of famous lost Poems / Verses. Our selection of lost Poetry focuses on poems that are about lost and easy to comprehend. In addition to lost Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as lost and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the lost Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous lost Poems using the ajax based search.

Albert's ReturnThe ChangeThe Lost Path
EchoesThe FrogsMonstre' Balloon
When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'dDepartureSoap Suds
The Brave VolunteerA Song of DespairLove still has something of the sea
A ParadoxIn The Garden III: An InteriorII. Safety
Thebais - Book TwoA Riverina RoadLochinvar
Waking at 3 a.m.Aedh Tells of a Valley Full of LoversEleu Loro
Old ManAt the Executed Murderer's GraveLucasta Paying Her Obsequies To The Chast Memory Of My Dearest Cosin Mrs. Bowes Barne[s]
Episode 37Burial of SarahTo His Lute
A Pastoral Dialogue Between Two ShepherdessesA Friend Sends Her Perfumed CarriageA Ballad of the Last King of Thule
A PARANAETICALL, OR ADVISIVE VERSETO HIS FRIEND, MR JOHN WICKSThe NameWritten in Germany, On One of The Coldest Days Of The Century
Two Or Three: A Recipe To Make A CuckoldThe Mountain SquatterThe Lambs on the Boulder
By the Hoof of the Wild GoatCascadeDurer's 'Melencholia'
Buried Life, TheRules and RegulationsThe Crystal
Ad FinumEveningThe Lost Pleiad
In My Study,ElegyTo the Memory of Sarah Livingston
Goodbye To The Old LifeEra.m conseillatzTo ----
Sonnets 08: And You As Well Must Die, Beloved DustThe Ideal And The Actual LifeThe Need to Love
ExmoorMayUpon Watts' Picture Sic Transit
The Dictaphone BardOde on a nearer prospect of summer hillTo My Friends