Famous Murder Poems / Murder Verses

We have a great collection of famous murder Poems / Verses. Our selection of murder Poetry focuses on poems that are about murder and easy to comprehend. In addition to murder Poems of famous poets, there is a huge collection of other unique poems in our website.
Here you will find List of poems with theme as murder and also funny poems. Click on the poem title below to browse through the murder Poems both from famous poets and those submitted in our site. You can search and find famous murder Poems using the ajax based search.

ClearedSentimental HangmanTo Mary Pickford
A poem, on the rising glory of AmericaClearedRipley
Beowulf (Episode 19)The PastThe Summary History of Sir William Wallace
Thekla - A Spirit VoiceThe FarewellCanto 13
Sir Thomas Wortley's Sonnet AnsweredSometimes I Am Alive Because WithFrance, The 18th Year Of These States
The Whitest Man I KnowA Song of Brave MenUlster 1912
Edwin and Eltrada, a Legendary TaleStill Falls the RainVerses Addressed to the Imitator of the First Satire of the Second Book Of Horace
Mart. Lib. I. Epi. 14.The World's All RightThe Temple
On Reading Omar KhayyamA GrievanceThe Dead-beat
In Memory of My FeelingsThe House Of Dust: Part 02: 04: NightmareMental Cases
Duncan, an OdeThe Mystic TrumpeterExplanation Of An Ancient Woodcut
St. LaurenceEupheliaCorpses In The Woods
To PosterityHumoresqueA Tenant of Mrs. Van Kleeck
The Emigrants: Book IISt. Winefred's WellCameron's Heart
The Ghost,Beowulf (Episode 12)Gentle Alice Brown
HalloweenTrooper CampbellThe Tragedy,
The Odyssey: Book 5William RufusA Refusal to Mourn the Death, by Fire, of a Child in London
What Can We Do?The Cranes Of IbycusEurope, The 72d And 73d Years Of These States
Lot's WifeTo The Pious Memory Of The Accomplished Young Lady Mrs. Anne KilligrewThe Zeppelin
The Lovers of the PoorSaltbush Bill's Second FlightBeowulf (Episode 28-30)